Before sharing source code I want to say something about this program. Now you can see this program visually, how is it? If you like this simple program then go for the source code given below.You May Also Like.Pure CSS Tabs Programs Source CodeAs always. Preview or Example of Responsive TabLet’s see a preview of how this program looks like, See in this video. If you want to see the tabs program in pure CSS which I am talking about, there is the preview. Always a clean look creates good UI and UX.This program is completely static, so you can switch tab quickly. Just use this tabs program, save your space on web page. Why you will increase the height of web page by put so many texts on every single category. You can use it on your website to give a fresh and simple look. That makes it a perfect example of pure CSS tabs program.So, Today I am sharing a responsive tab program in pure CSS and HTML. This is in pure CSS also with very fewer lines of codes.

This program is completely without JavaScript, No JS or no other JS framework used. In other words, tabs are just horizontal mode of the, but tabs come with small heading text comparing to an accordion.Mostly all tabs are built-in JavaScript or Jquery, But today I am sharing pure CSS tabs with design. You can say tabs are another type of or alternative of an accordion. How we can create Pure CSS Tabs With Responsive Design? Get an example with source code.Basically, tabs are mostly used in single page website or display multiple information in less space.